Handcrafted Formulas: Each Ingredient Selected With Care and Precision

Handcrafted Formulas: Each Ingredient Selected With Care and Precision

Publié par Sarah-Jane Bayliss le

A Single Super Blend of plant based ingredients rich in nutrients. What exactly is Vegan Keratin.
Benefit from Rare Botanical Extracts Cultivated at Altitude in the Swiss Alps.

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Why I Created the Haircare Brand LEDA Swiss

Why I Created the Haircare Brand LEDA Swiss

Sarah-Jane Bayliss
Par Sarah-Jane Bayliss

Childhood Memories of Another Era. Inspired By The Elegance of My Mother.A Premium Solution to Solve Skin Allergies.

Practical Hair Care Tips

Conseils pratiques pour prendre soin de vos cheveux

Sarah-Jane Bayliss
Par Sarah-Jane Bayliss

Coupe régulière:  Coupez vos cheveux toutes les 6 à 8 semaines pour prévenir les pointes fourchues et maintenir une croissance saine. Lavage des cheveux :...
